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"2 Measures of Financial Risk"

Showing 1-15 of 15 items.

Robert Dubil – An Arbitrage Guide To Financial Markets

Robert Dubil – An Arbitrage Guide to Financial MarketsDescriptionAn Arbitrage Guide to Financial Markets is the first book to explicitly show the linkages of markets for equities, currencies, fixed income, and commodities. Using a unique structural...

Kevin Dowd – Measuring Market Risk

Kevin Dowd - Measuring Market RiskDescriptionFully revised and restructured, Measuring Market Risk, Second Edition includes a new chapter on options risk management, as well as substantial new information on parametric risk, non-parametric measurements, and liquidity risks, more practical information...

Imad A.Moosa – Operational Risk Management

Imad A Moosa - Operational Risk ManagementOperational risk management is attracting the attention of academics and professionals worldwide. Academics are interested in this topic because it provides opportunities for the application of sophisticated statistical techniques, as...

Charles Geisst – Undue Influence. How The Wall Street Elite Puts The Financial System At Risk

Charles Geisst - Undue Influence. How the Wall Street Elite Puts the Financial System at RiskA critical look at over 80 years of conflict, collusion, and corruption between financiers and politiciansUndue Influence paints a vivid portrait...

Mark Fenton & O'Creevy – Traders. Risks, Decisions And Management In Financial Markets

Mark Fenton-O'Creevy - Traders. Risks, Decisions And Management In Financial MarketsThis is a book about traders in financial markets: what they do, the kind of people they are, how they perceive the world they inhabit, how...

Thomas Schneeweis – The New Science of Asset Allocation

A feasible asset allocation framework for the post 2008 financial world Asset allocation has long been a cornerstone of prudent investment management; however, traditional allocation plans failed investors miserably in 2008. Asset allocation still remains an...

Robert Elliott – Mathematics of Financial Markets

This book presents the mathematics that underpins pricing models for derivative securities in modern financial markets, such as options, futures and swaps. This new edition adds substantial material from current areas of active research, such as...

Robert Kast – Economics and Finance of Risk and of the Future

This book uses real-world examples to show how individual and collective risks can be blended and treated in a reliable decision-making framework that draws its inspiration from decision theory and market based mechanisms. It then goes...

Frank J.Fabozzi – The Handbook Of Fixed Income Securities (7th Ed.)

Frank J.Fabozzi – The Handbook Of Fixed Income Securities (7th Ed.) The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities occupies the top spot as the most authoritative, widely read reference in the global fixed income marketplace. First published in...

Douglas S. Roberts – Follow The Fed To Investment Success

Douglas S. Roberts - Follow the Fed to Investment SuccessIn Follow the Fed to Investment Success, Doug Roberts skillfully outlines a proven approach to investing that is based on the idea that there is a direct correlation between...

Louis Navellier – The Little Book That Makes You Rich

Louis Navellier - The Little Book That Makes You RichProfit from a powerful, proven investment strategyThe Little Book That Makes You Rich is the latest book in the popular "Little Book, Big Profits" series. Written by Louis...

John R.Birge – Introduction To Stochastic Programming

John R.Birge - Introduction to Stochastic ProgrammingThe aim of stochastic programming is to find optimal decisions in problems which involve uncertain data. This field is currently developing rapidly with contributions from many disciplines including operations research,...

Scott Carney – The Harmonic Trader

Scott Carney – The Harmonic Trader Size: 16 MB What is Harmonic Trading? Harmonic Trading is a methodology that utilizes the recognition of specific price patterns and the alignment of exact Fibonacci ratios to determine highly...

John C. Hull – Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities

John C. Hull – Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities For undergraduate and graduate courses in Options and Futures, Financial Engineering, and Risk Management, typically found in business, finance, economics and mathematics departments. This fifth edition...

Rick Bensignor – New Thinking In Technical Analysis (Russian)

Rick Bensignor – New Thinking In Technical Analysis (Russian) Sometimes even the most thorough homework on fundamentals fails to pinpoint the best time to buy a stock or take profits. Technical analysis helps market players predict...