Showing 201-250 of 627 items.
Joe Ross – Electronic Trading. TNT IV. Tips, Tricks, Strategies And Tactics For Traders
Joe Ross - Electronic Trading. TNT IV. Tips, Tricks, Strategies and Tactics for TradersElectronic Trading 'TNT' IV Tips-Tricks and Other Trading Stuff.This manual, will, when combined with Electronic Trading 'TNT' I, II, and III, constitute a complete...
By Jam... on May 6, 2019
John C. Hull – Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities
John C. Hull – Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities For undergraduate and graduate courses in Options and Futures, Financial Engineering, and Risk Management, typically found in business, finance, economics and mathematics departments. This fifth edition...
By Mic... on Feb 28, 2020