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"Risk Management and Discipline"

Showing 1-50 of 89 items.

Alexander Elder – The New Trading For A Living: Psychology, Discipline, Trading Tools And Systems, Risk Control, Trade Management

Alexander Elder – The New Trading For A Living: Psychology, Discipline, Trading Tools And Systems, Risk Control, Trade Management The best-selling trading book of all time - updated for the new era The New Trading for...

Deepak Kanungo & O’Reilly Media – Hands-On Algorithmic Trading With Python

Deepak Kanungo & O’Reilly Media – Hands-On Algorithmic Trading With Python The pace of automation in the investment management industry has become frenetic in the last decade because of algorithmic trading and machine learning technologies. Industry...

Mike McMahon – Risk Management

Mike McMahon - Risk Management 10 Laws of Risk Management - Successful traders, no matter what the financial instrument, have all learned the specific rules to Risk Management, Capital Preservation, and Discipline. This course will take you through...

Bevis Longstreth – Modern Investment Management & The Prudent Man Rule

Bevis Longstreth - Modern Investment Management & the Prudent Man RuleIn recent years the field of finance has exploded with innovation. New products, services, and techniques abound. The risks of inflation, the volatility of interest rates,...

FRM – 2000-2001-2002 Financial Risk Manager Examination CD, GARP

FRM - 2000-2001-2002 Financial Risk Manager Examination CD, GARPWhat are the requirements for FRM Certification?Pass the FRM Exam Part IPass the FRM Exam Part II within 4 yearsDemonstrate 2 years of related work experienceA candidate demonstrates...

Kim Heldman – Project Manager's Spotlight On Risk Management

Kim Heldman - Project Manager's Spotlight on Risk Management Clear-Cut Ways to Manage Project Risk If you're a typical project manager, you're probably aware of the importance of risk management but may not have the time...

Alexander Elder – The New Trading For a Living-Study Guide (2014)

Alexander Elder – The New Trading For a Living-Study Guide (2014)From the Inside FlapTest your trading knowledge and skills – without risking any moneyYou may read the best trading book, but how much of that knowledge...

Alexander Elder – Trading for a living

Alexander Elder – Trading for a living From the Publisher An eminent futures trader explores crucial factors in the markets that most experts overlook--time, volume and open interest--and describes little-known indicators to profitably track them. Covers...

FRM & 2001 – Financial Risk Manager Examination GARP

FRM - 2001 - Financial Risk Manager Examination, GARP Exams What are the requirements for FRM Certification? Pass the FRM Exam Part I Pass the FRM Exam Part II within 4 years Demonstrate 2 years of...

Martin Fridson & Fernando Alvarez – Financial Statement Analysis A Practitioner's Guide

Martin Fridson, Fernando Alvarez - Financial Statement Analysis A Practitioner's GuideDescriptionAn updated guide to the essential discipline of financial statement analysisIn Financial Statement Analysis, Fourth Edition, leading investment authority Martin Fridson returns with Fernando Alvarez to provide...

FRM & 2000 – Financial Risk Manager Examination, GARP

FRM - 2000 - Financial Risk Manager Examination, GARPWhat are the requirements for FRM Certification?Pass the FRM Exam Part IPass the FRM Exam Part II within 4 yearsDemonstrate 2 years of related work experienceA candidate demonstrates...

Joe Ross – Money Management

Joe Ross – Money Management There are some common mistakes I’ve seen traders make in the area of money management. First, let’s understand what money management is all about. Money management overlaps with risk, trade, business,...

High-Frequency Trading Algorithmic Strategies and Trading Systems

High-Frequency Trading Algorithmic Strategies and Trading Systems A fully revised second edition of the best guide to high-frequency trading High-frequency trading is a difficult, but profitable, endeavor that can generate stable profits in various market conditions....

Seth Gregory & Bob Lambert – Know Where You Live. Risk Management Toolkit

Seth Gregory & Bob Lambert – Know Where You Live. Risk Management Toolkit "Hi Peter,...I was almost ready to give up on the Forex market until I met Seth Gregory and Robert Lambert. WOW, what a...

Dave Landry – Trading High-Momentum Stocks With Landry Persistent Pullbacks

Dave Landry – Trading High-Momentum Stocks With Landry Persistent Pullbacks If I Could Trade Only One Strategy In The World…This Would Be It!Introducing Dave Landry’s Best Method For Daytraders and Swing Traders…Persistent Pullbacks A Personal Message...

Steve Nison – Strategies for Profiting with Japanese Candlestick Charts

Steve Nison – Strategies for Profiting with Japanese Candlestick Charts Run time: 332 minutes. What are Japanese Candlesticks – and why should traders use them? Japanese candlestick charts are a versatile tool that can be combined...

Aswath Damodaran - Risk Management

Aswath Damodaran - Risk Management In business and investing, risk has traditionally been viewed negatively: investors and companies can lose money due to risk and therefore we typically penalize companies for taking risks. That’s why most...

David I.Cleland – Project Management (4th Ed.)

David I.Cleland - Project Management (4th Ed.)This is the first book to truly apply the theory, processes, practices, and techniques of project management to strategic planning. New to this edition are: risk management, earned value, project...

Richard C.Grinold – Active Portfolio Management (2nd Ed.)

Richard C.Grinold - Active Portfolio Management (2nd Ed.)"This new edition of Active Portfolio Management continues the standard of excellence established in the first edition, with new and clear insights to help investment professionals." - William E. Jacques, Partner...

Dave Landry – David Landry On Swing Trading

Dave Landry – David Landry On Swing Trading No time to day trade? Intermediate-term and long-term trading not enough? Then, swing trading is for you. Now, David Landry, Director of Trading Research for TradingMarkets has put...

ART Trading & Bennett McDowell – A Trader's Money Management System

ART Trading - Bennett McDowell - A Trader's Money Management System Size: 3.3 MB Money management may very well be the most important piece of the trading puzzle. In A Trader's Money Management System, expert Bennett McDowell...

Benjamin Van Vliet – Modeling Financial Markets. Using Visual Basic .Net & Databases To Create Pricing Trading & Risk Management Models

Benjamin Van Vliet – Modeling Financial Markets. Using Visual Basic Net & Databases To Create Pricing Trading & Risk Management ModelsDevelopment Financial markets professionals today must sort, analyze, and act upon incredible amounts of data. This...

Norman Hallett – Taming Risk A Guide For Traders

Norman Hallett, the world-renowned trading advisor, who literally wrote the book on “Taming Risk” reveals…“How To Eliminate Those Devastating Blowout Trades That Strip Your Account Of The Profits You’ve Made For The Day, The Week, or...

John Wang & Grace Wang – AbleTrend - Identifying and Analyzing Market Trends for Trading Success

John Wang & Grace Wang – AbleTrend - Identifying and Analyzing Market Trends for Trading Success A worldwide leader in financial trading software shares one of its most successful systems In AbleTrend, Dr. John Wang discloses for...

Tim Ord – The Secret Science of Price and Volume (Techniques for Spotting Market Trends, Hot Sectors, and the Best Stocks)

Tim Ord – The Secret Science of Price and Volume (Techniques for Spotting Market Trends, Hot Sectors, and the Best Stocks) In The Secret Science of Price and Volume, leading market timer Tim Ord outlines a...

Gary Norden – Scalping Trading Strategy (Market Making Scalping Manual)

Gary Norden – Scalping Trading Strategy (Market Making Scalping Manual) Gary Norden – Scalping Trading Strategy refers to a trading approach developed by Gary Norden, a professional trader and author with extensive experience in financial markets,...

The Volume Traders - OrderFlow Mastry Course 2024

The Volume Traders – OrderFlow Mastry Course 2024 Introduction to Volume Trading In the ever-evolving landscape of financial markets, mastering trading strategies is essential for success. Among these strategies, volume trading stands out as a fundamental...

Mike Aston – Learn To Trade (Stock Trading Course Trading Template)

Mike Aston – Learn to Trade (Stock Trading Course, Trading Template)" is a trading education program designed by Mike Aston, who has over two decades of experience generating income from trading. The course aims to teach...

Casper SMC – ICT Mastery Course

Casper SMC – ICT Mastery Course The Casper SMC – ICT Mastery Course is a comprehensive program designed to help traders understand and apply advanced concepts in the ICT (Inner Circle Trader) methodology. The course includes...

Dan Fitzpatrick – The 59 Minute Trader

Dan Fitzpatrick – The 59 Minute Trader is an online trading course created by Dan Fitzpatrick, who is known as a financial analyst and educator in the stock trading world. The course aims to teach traders how...

SMB Training – The SMB DNA of Successful Trading

SMB Training – The SMB DNA of Successful Trading SMB Training's "The DNA of Successful Trading" is a comprehensive training program designed to help traders develop the skills necessary to become consistently profitable day traders. Here...

PLFCrypto – US30 Bootcamp

PLFCrypto – US30 Bootcamp Are You Ready for the... #1 US30 BOOTCAMP Learn US30 Like You Never Have ..... Learn how to analyze US30 for accurate markups technically. Understand previous price action, risk management, and all...

Joe Wright – Maximum Lots Trading Course

Joe Wright – Maximum Lots Trading Course Joe has been sharing his trading knowledge on the Maximum Lots site since 2013, impacting thousands over the years. This course brings together a wealth of knowledge having been...

Brian Mcaboy – Trading Is Your Business Course (Thetechnicaltraders)


Trading Geek – The Trading Blueprint

Trading Geek – The Trading Blueprint Phase 1: Beginner’s Guide If you have no prior knowledge or experience in trading, start your trading journey here by first learning the basics of forex trading Phase 2: Technical...

Tyler Crowell – Forex Project Advanced Course

Tyler Crowell – Forex Project Advanced Course The Tyler Crowell Forex Project Advanced Course: Mastering the Art of Forex Trading for Profound Financial Success In the dynamic realm of global finance, the Foreign Exchange (Forex) market...

Crypto Picasso – Elliot Wave & Market Psychology

Crypto Picasso – Elliot Wave & Market Psychology At Bits to Freedom, it has always been our philosophy to “teach a man to fish”, rather than simply handing out fish. (As much as we love fishing!)...

Julian L. Simon – Developing Decision-Making Skills for Business

Julian L. Simon – Developing Decision-Making Skills for BusinessDeveloping Decision-Making Skills for Business practical resource shows business professionals how to improve their decision-making skills and enhance their ability to develop effective interpersonal relationships with co-workers and...

NinjaTrader – RiosQuant

RiosQuant At Rios Quantitative, we focus on the development, implementation, and monitoring of quantitative and algorithmic trading systems. In the electronic financial markets, "quant" and "algo" trading are defined as the systematic application of trading strategies...

Reeds Trader – Momentum Stock Options Workshop

Reeds Trader – Momentum Stock Options Workshop Why Should You Trade Options? There are some advantages of options trading that are pointed out with the illustrations in the Momentum Stock Options Workshop by Chuck Whitman at...

Kam Dhadwar – L2ST 3 Days Intensive Online Advanced Traders Coaching Seminar

Kam Dhadwar - L2ST 3 Days Intensive Online Advanced Traders Coaching Seminar This Coaching Package includes some POWERFUL Trading Auction Theory, Market Profile, and Order Flow Trading Methods. Also Included are some life-changing NLP and Meditation...

Emini Academy – Emini Academy Map Mastery Documents

Emini Academy – Emini Academy Map Mastery DocumentsCHOOSE A MARKET AND TRADING TIME FRAMEThere are many different markets to trade, and the first step is choosing which one is right for you. Some of the most...

David Jenyns – Ultimate Trading Systems 2.0

David Jenyns – Ultimate Trading Systems 2.0 The Ultimate Trading Systems 2.0 by David Jenyns is a course designed to teach traders how to develop a personalized, profitable trading system. It emphasizes systematic strategies for identifying and trading...

Noble Drakoln – Winning the Trading Game

Noble Drakoln – Winning the Trading Game"A wealth of trading industry experience emerges in this work. Noble DraKoln covers the essential areas of fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and trading psychology with insight, originality, and refreshing candor....

Michael Valtos – Order Flow Dynamics

The Order Flow Dynamics Trading Course In the Order Flow Dynamics course, we concentrate on the representation of traded price activity by observing the footprints left by traders which are the result of supply, demand, human...

Marcel Link – Trading Without Gambling

Marcel Link - Trading Without GamblingMany people perceive trading as nothing more than a gamble. But there are still people who consistently make money trading. How do they do it? They've learned to separate gambling from...

Bill Poulos – ETF Profit Driver Course

Bill Poulos - ETF Profit Driver CourseA $,1947 course that will teach you how to supercharge your portfolio in less than 20 minutes a night, while doubling your profit potential with half the effort.CD-ROM #1: Background...

Sham Gad – The Business Of Value Investing

Sham Gad – The Business of Value InvestingProduct DescriptionA blueprint to successful value investing Successful value investors have an ingrained mental framework through which all investments decisions are made. This framework, which stems from the father...

ETF – ETF Trend Trading Mentorship Course

ETF Trend Trading Mentorship CourseBeat The Returns Of Portfolio Managers, With Less Risk... In Only 10 Minutes Per Night!This report will reveal more facts about the mutual fund industry's conspiracies and how to be your own...

Marek Capinski & Tomasz Zastawniak – Mathematics For Finance. An Introduction To Financial Engineering

Marek Capinski, Tomasz Zastawniak - Mathematics for Finance. An Introduction to Financial Engineering As with the first edition, Mathematics for Finance: An Introduction to Financial Engineering combines financial motivation with mathematical style. Assuming an only basic...