Search Courses


Showing 151-200 of 1,630 items.

Jack Bernstein – Hot Stock Market Strategies

Jack Bernstein - Hot Stock Market StrategiesHot Stock Market Strategies encourages the average person who wants to make big money and keep them to take the Bull (or Bear) by the horns and bust a move...

Frank Amstrong – Investment Strategies For The 21th Century

Frank Amstrong - Investment Strategies for the 21th CenturyRecognized as one of the finest non-technical finance and investment guides ever written it is believed to be one of the first books about finance published on the...

BetterTraderacAdemy – Building Robust Strategies Master Class

BetterTraderacAdemy – Building Robust Strategies Master Class Access Robert Pardo's strategy creation knowledge Start building robust trading strategies right away Implement Bobs proven framework in just hours Build good quality trading strategies Crush your biggest trading challenges...

The Breakout Strategies Masterclass (Video Courses Only)

The Breakout Strategies Masterclass (Video Courses Only) The 'Breakout Strategies Masterclass' will teach you the proven 8-step process to build profitable breakout strategies, including: The Breakout Strategies Masterclass Module #1: PREPARE - Everything you need to...

Linda Raschke – Street Smarts. High Probability Short Term Trading Strategies

Linda Raschke - Street Smarts. High Probability Short Term Trading StrategiesPublished in 1996 and written by Larry Connors and "New Market Wizard" Linda Raschke. This 245 page manual is considered by many to be one of...

Oliver Velez – Essential Strategies to Trade for Life

Oliver Velez – Essential Strategies to Trade for Life

Zura Kakushadze & Juan Andrés Serur – 151 Trading Strategies

Zura Kakushadze & Juan Andr s Serur – 151 Trading Strategies The book provides detailed descriptions, including more than 550 mathematical formulas, for more than 150 trading strategies across a host of asset classes and trading styles....

Robert Miner – Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies

Robert Miner – Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies Size: 50.3 MB Product Description Robert Miner - Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies is a Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports Practical Elliott Wave...

Joe Ross – Electronic Trading. TNT IV. Tips, Tricks, Strategies And Tactics For Traders

Joe Ross - Electronic Trading. TNT IV. Tips, Tricks, Strategies and Tactics for TradersElectronic Trading 'TNT' IV Tips-Tricks and Other Trading Stuff.This manual, will, when combined with Electronic Trading 'TNT' I, II, and III, constitute a complete...

14 day Breakout Strategy Challenge (Build Emini Breakout Strategies)

14 day Breakout Strategy Challenge (Build Emini Breakout Strategies) 14 Day Breakout Strategy Challenge’ with Tomas Nesnidal 14 day Breakout Strategy Challenge Breakout trading is one of the most popular styles of trading amongst traders. When...

Vantagepointtrading – Forex Strategies Guide For Day And Swing Traders

Vantagepointtrading - Forex Strategies Guide for Day and Swing TradersThis eBook is written by Cory Mitchell, a Chartered Market Technician, member of the Market Technicians Association, Canadian Society of Technical Analysts and the International Federation of Technical Analysts. He’s been a...

Strategic Trading – Market Profile Trading Strategies: Part 1 - Basics

Strategic Trading – Market Profile Trading Strategies: Part 1 - Basics Market profile is a powerful analytical tool unlike any other on the market. Market profile makes it possible for profile traders to gain a clear...

Strategic Trading – Market Profile Trading Strategies-Beyond the Basics

Strategic Trading – Market Profile Trading Strategies-Beyond the Basics Applying the Power of the Market Profile Market Profile Beyond the Basics 12-Hour Online Course This 12 hour course takes market profile concepts to the next level....

Richard Imperiale – The Micro Cap Investor Strategies For Making Big Returns In Small Companies

Richard Imperiale - The Micro Cap Investor Strategies for Making Big Returns in Small CompaniesDescriptionThe Micro Cap InvestorLearn how today's smartest investors are discovering opportunities--and reaping profits--ahead of the Wall Street prosMicro cap stocks are all...

Price Headley – Winning S&P Strategies (

Price Headley - Winning S&P Strategies (Video 52 MB) (

Simpler Options & Options 101 – Options Trading Strategies (

Simpler Options - Options 101 - Options Trading Strategies (

EminiTradingStrategies – ETS Tick Trader Pro Indicator (ProIndy) V3 Release 2b (Dec 2014)

ETS Tick Trader Pro Indicator (ProIndy) v3 Release 2b (Dec 2014)InstructionCan work with the free, legal and cracked version of NinjaTrader 7.Install "etsTickTraderProIndyV3R2b.msi"no need install file from folder "Original version".Done.NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform...

Djellala – Djellala Swing Trading Strategies

Djellala – Djellala Swing Trading Strategies Djellala Swing trading strategies are based on price That means we don't use external information except the stock screener and the chart. Everything else has no place in what we...

Axiafutures – Trading with Price Ladder and Order Flow Strategies

Axiafutures - Trading with Price Ladder and Order Flow Strategies Module 1 – Learning Objectives, Outcomes & Methodology. Module 2 – Introduction to Order Flow. Module 3 – Course Curriculum Outline and Roadmap. Module 4 –...

Thedaytradingroom – Trade Setups And Strategies Program

Thedaytradingroom - Trade Setups And Strategies ProgramTrade Setups And Strategies ProgramComplete Trading Strategy, Method And Setups BlueprintTape Reading Strategies“Great course. 100% relevant in today's market. I plan to use this same strategy for bitcoin futures”- Tim...

Charles LeBeau – Exit Strategies for Stock and Futures Slides (

Charles LeBeau - Exit Strategies for Stock and Futures (Slides) ( Each speaker at the TradeStationWorld Conference acts independently, and no speaking topic, session, seminar or content is affiliated with, or approved, sponsored or endorsed by,...

Charles LeBeau – Futures Strategies for Stock Traders

Charles LeBeau - Futures Strategies for Stock Traders In recent years, Charles Le Beau has been doing a great deal of research on stock trading and has found that knowledge of futures strategies can be extremely...

Charles LeBeau – A New Look at Exit Strategies

Charles LeBeau - A New Look at Exit StrategiesCharles LeBeau is well-known for his research and emphasis on exit strategies. In this highly informative presentation, he will discuss his creative and logical strategies for setting stops...

Wayne Gorman – Range Bound Strategies (Course 2)

Wayne Gorman – Course 2. Range Bound Strategies EWI’s On-Demand Options Trading Course … How to Use the Elliott Wave Principle to Improve Your Options Trading Strategies Course 2: Range Bound Strategies This exciting course is...

Nial Fuller – Price Action Forex Trading Strategies Training Course & Members Videos

Nial Fuller – Price Action Forex Trading Strategies Training Course & Members Videos Nial Fuller Professional Trader, Author & Mentor Since 2008 I have taught almost 15,000 students how to trade forex with my high probability...

Lois Peltz – The New Investment Superstars (13 Great Investors and Their Strategies for Superior Returns)

Lois Peltz – The New Investment Superstars. 13 Great Investors and Their Strategies for Superior ReturnsLearn how these superstars invest, where they invest, what works–and what doesn’t Since people have been making money in the markets,...

Larry Connors & Cesar Alvarez – Short Term Trading Strategies that Work

Larry Connors & Cesar Alvarez – Short Term Trading Strategies that Work The top-selling trading book from Connors and Alvarez Market volatility has been at record levels in recent months, leaving every trader and investor to...

Kathy Lien – Day Trading the Currency Market Technical and Fundamental Strategies To Profit from Market Swings

Written by Kathy Lien—chief strategist for the number one online currency broker in the world—Day Trading the Currency Market reveals a variety of technical and fundamental profit-making strategies for trading the currency market, and provides a detailed...

Jefrey Katz – The Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies

The Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies is for traders who want to take the next step to consistently profitable trading. The authors–themselves seasoned veterans of the futures trading arena–pinpoint the trading methods and strategies that have been...

Carolin Boroden & Jon Najarian – Strategies WorkBook

Collection Strategies WorkBook of the authors Carolin workbook Boroden, Jon Najarian…And more…Marketing Strategy Workbook: The Analytical Foundation Every company needs a solid analytical foundation that explains the rationale for business. Market Strategy Workbook 1: The Analytical...

AutoDayTrade – AutoDayTrade Thermodynamic Strategies (Mar 2012)

Instruction: This addon will work under original and under cracked NT7!!! 1) Copy files from folder \Crack\ into C:\Users\….\Documents\NinjaTrader 7\bin\Custom\ Enjoy.What is NinjaTrader? NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients....

Kevin Kelly – New Rules for the New Economy (10 Radical Strategies for a Connected World)

Kevin Kelly – New Rules for the New Economy (10 Radical Strategies for a Connected World)Forget supply and demand. Forget computers. The old rules are broken. Today, communication, not computation, drives change. We are rushing into...

Bruce I. Jacobs & Kenneth N. Levy – Market Neutral Strategies

Bruce I. Jacobs & Kenneth N. Levy – Market Neutral Strategies An inside view of what makes market-neutral strategies tick and how they can be implemented Market-neutral strategies have gained attention for their potential to deliver...

Daniel Strachman – Essential Stock Picking Strategies What Works on Wall Street

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; 1 edition (3 July 2002) Language: English ISBN-10: 0471400637 ISBN-13: 978-0471400639Beating the market is every investor′s dream. Essential Stock Picking Strategies allows investors on Main Street to gain the consistent success (and profits) of the...

Mike Buchanan – Profitable Buying Strategies

Improving your organization’s profitability can only be achieved in three ways: increase prices, increase sales volumes or reduce costs. Competitive pressures are making the first two options increasingly difficult, which leaves cost reduction as the key...

Joseph Benning – Trading Strategies for Capital Markets

In order to succeed in the capital markets, professional traders and investors must understand that markets aren’t mathematical abstractions, but dynamic, real-time reflectors of the world we live in. You need to know how the capital...

Richard Tortoriello – Quantitative Strategies for Achieving Alpha

Richard Tortoriello – Quantitative Strategies for Achieving Alpha “Richard Tortoriello structures six concepts that blend fundamental, quantitative, and technical disciplines. His tests are rooted in sound financial theory designed to avoid statistical bias and capture the...

The Options Institute – Options Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies

This authoritative guide offers an easy-to-understand, fundamental explanation of the goals and objectives of each player involved in the options trade. Along with this tactical information, traders will gain insight into trading strategies and options concepts....

Max Ansbacher – Inside Strategies for Profiting with Options

MAX ANSBACHER is a successful options professional who has been trading options since their inception. As President of Ansbacher Investment Management, he manages over $30 million in accounts and is frequently featured in the Wall Street...

Marty Kearney – LEAPS Trading Strategies (Powerful Techniques for Options Trading Success)

Marty Kearney – LEAPS Trading Strategies (Powerful Techniques for Options Trading Success) Investors are increasingly turning to LEAPS (Long-Term Equity AnticiPation Securities) to combine the advantages of options trading with the benefits and security of a...

Simpler Options – Small Account Growth Class (Strategies Course, June 2014)

Simpler Options – Small Account Growth Class (Strategies Course, June 2014) In this class John will share: The strategies used to consistently grow a small account into a big account that will forever change your trading...

Mark Whistler – Trading Pairs-Capturing Profits and Hedging Risk with Statistical Arbitrage Strategies

Mark Whistler – Trading Pairs-Capturing Profits and Hedging Risk with Statistical Arbitrage Strategies An accessible guide to the pairs trading technique A leading arbitrage expert gives traders real tools for using pairs trading, including customizable Excel...

Robert Miner – High Probability Trading Strategies

Robert Miner – High Probability Trading Strategies In High Probability Trading Strategies, author and well-known trading educator Robert Miner skillfully outlines every aspect of a practical trading plan–from entry to exit–that he has developed over the...

Jeff Cooper – Intra-Day Trading Strategies Proven Steps To Trading Profits

Jeff Cooper – Intra-Day Trading Strategies Proven Steps To Trading Profits “Behavior after a breakout” defines the true trading opportunity for intra-day traders, Cooper claims. Now, this concept absolutely comes alive as Jeff Cooper-celebrated Hit and...

Frank J.Fabozzi – Bond Markets. Analysis & Strategies

An applied approach to understanding bond markets.Through its applied approach, Fabozzi’s Bond Markets prepares readers to analyze the bond market and manage bond portfolios without getting bogged down in the theory.This edition has been streamlined and updated with...

Nicholas Puri – The Duomo Initiative

Nicholas Puri – The Duomo Initiative What is the DUOMO Trader Development Program? Most traders are trapped in a cycle of frustration and inconsistency, weighed down by incomplete information, illogical concepts, and unproven methods. The Duomo...

The Volume Traders - OrderFlow Mastry Course 2024

The Volume Traders – OrderFlow Mastry Course 2024 Introduction to Volume Trading In the ever-evolving landscape of financial markets, mastering trading strategies is essential for success. Among these strategies, volume trading stands out as a fundamental...

Pvoodoo – Price Voodoo NT8 Indicators Bundle

Pvoodoo – Price Voodoo NT8 Indicators Bundle The Price Voodoo NT8 Indicators Bundle is a collection of custom-made indicators designed for the NinjaTrader 8 (NT8) trading platform. These indicators aim to enhance traders' ability to analyze...

Apteros Trading – Scalping Course by Merritt Black

Apteros Trading – Scalping Course by Merritt Black The Apteros Trading - Scalping Course is a comprehensive training program designed for traders who want to master the art of scalping. Here's what the course might cover:...

Packt Publishing – Tradestation EasyLanguage for Algorithmic Trading by Domenico D'errico

Packt Publishing – Tradestation EasyLanguage for Algorithmic Trading by Domenico D'errico With AI revolutionizing financial markets, every trader will soon get easy access to AI models through free Python libraries and datasets, with all of them...