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"Volume Analysis"

Showing 201-250 of 259 items.

John Keppler – Market Profile Trading Strategies

John Keppler – Market Profile Trading Strategies Market Profile Trading Strategies Part I – Basics 16-Hour Online Course Market profile is a powerful analytical tool unlike any other on the market. Market profile makes it possible for profile...

Feibel Trading – Logical Price Action LPA (The Complete Course)

Feibel Trading – Logical Price Action LPA (The Complete Course) LPA our flagship education program; was diligently constructed over a period of 2 years by professional traders. The course has evolved through beta testing from the...

Orderflows – Orderflows Inner Circle Video Club Access

Orderflows - Orderflows Inner Circle Video Club Access What will you learn? Currently there are 56 recorded webinar trainings (new ones will be added as well): These are my personal trading strategies and tips. This is my...

Scott M.Carney – Harmonic Trading of the Financial Markets Vol II (2010 Ed.)

Scott M.Carney – Harmonic Trading of the Financial Markets – Vol II (2010 Ed.) The Definitive Introduction to Harmonic Trading–By the Originator of This Approach, Scott Carney! “I have always found it fascinating that, in the...

Scott M.Carney – Harmonic Trading of the Financial Markets Vol I (2010 Ed.)

Scott M.Carney – Harmonic Trading of the Financial Markets – Vol I (2010 Ed.) The Definitive Introduction to Harmonic Trading–By the Originator of This Approach, Scott Carney! “I have always found it fascinating that, in the...

Axiafutures – Futures Trading And Trader Development

Axiafutures - Futures Trading and Trader DevelopmentCOURSE CURRICULUMINTRODUCTION Introduction to the CourseFREE00:00:00FREE SIM TRADING PLATFORM How to Activate, Setup and Use the Free Sim Trading Platform 00:20:00DAY 1 - MARKETS Capital Markets, Asset Classes, Derivatives 01:15:00 Trader Development – Routine 00:02:00DAY 2 -...

Frank Paul – Forex Profits with COT

Module I: Secrets Of the COT Explained (2 parts, running time: 92min) Part 1 – “Secrets of the COT Explained” (53:29) In this introductory section we lay the foundation for the course content and weekly subscription...

Yuri Shramenko – Market Geometry Techniques

Yuri Shramenko – Market Geometry Techniques Here you have three techniques with which we can make an analogy to education. Prior to market geometry is elementary school where a trader deploys the statistical methods of technical...

Murray E.Jennex – Knowledge Management

Murray E.Jennex - Knowledge ManagementKnowledge management (KM) is an emerging, interdisciplinary business model dealing with all aspects of knowledge within the context of the firm, including knowledge creation, codification, and sharing, and using these activities to...

Fxsanalytics – FXS Analytics Training

Fxsanalytics - FXS Analytics TrainingWHAT’S INSIDE FXS Analytics TrainingFull video lecture series covering many facets of price action, volume, fundamental trading and beyond Hundreds of accompanying slides, organized by topic Reference bookletsDeep content with an array of...

Uday Dave – Champion Day Trader

I believe in Chinese proverb which goes like, "Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." With that belief, I have...

Ed Downs – Winning Chart Patterns (7 Patterns That Really Work)

Ed Downs - Winning Chart Patterns. 7 Patterns That Really Work7 Patterns that Really Work Trading requires knowledge, skill and something even more important - your precious time. Don't waste it on trades that won't work....

Steve Woods – The Precision Profit Float Indicator (TS Code & Setups)

Steve Woods - The Precision Profit Float Indicator (TS Code & Setups)A complete guide to trading with price, volume, and floatFloat Analysis explains how to use the Woods Cumulative Volume Float Indicator, the landmark concept in technical...

The Breakout Strategies Masterclass (Video Courses Only)

The Breakout Strategies Masterclass (Video Courses Only) The 'Breakout Strategies Masterclass' will teach you the proven 8-step process to build profitable breakout strategies, including: The Breakout Strategies Masterclass Module #1: PREPARE - Everything you need to...

Richard C.Grinold – Active Portfolio Management (2nd Ed.)

Richard C.Grinold - Active Portfolio Management (2nd Ed.)"This new edition of Active Portfolio Management continues the standard of excellence established in the first edition, with new and clear insights to help investment professionals." - William E. Jacques, Partner...

MTPredictor – MTP RT Build 367 For NinjaTrader 7 (With Trade Module, Jan 2014)

MTPredictor - MTP RT Build 367 for NinjaTrader 7 (With Trade module) (Jan 2014) Features Dragging and resizing WPT and DP Zones DP zones across multiple time frames Dragging R/R Lines New Account settings New Currency...

Van Tharp – Special Report on Money Management (1997)

Van Tharp – Special Report on Money Management (1997) Van K. Tharp, Ph.D. Professional Coach for Traders and Investors In the unique arena of professional trading coaches and consultants, Van K. Tharp stands out as an...

Strategic Trading – Forex Meets the Market Profile

Strategic Trading – Forex Meets the Market Profile Many individual traders have yet to discover and utilize the power of Market Profile concepts and charts. This course is designed to offer Forex traders with an overview...

Order Flow Analytics – OFA Ninja Full Software Suite V7.9.1.5

Order Flow Analytics – OFA Ninja Full Software Suite V7.9.1.5 About OFA Flat-out Phenomenal, Groundbreaking, Weapons-Grade Technical Analysis Order Flow Analytics™ is the next generation of technical analysis. Built out of a need to see beneath...

Alan Ellman – Cashing In On Covered Calls (Covered Call DVD Series)

Alan Ellman - Cashing in on Covered Calls (Covered Call DVD Series)DVD Series: Covered Call WritingCovered Call Writing Package – 4 DVD Series + Companion WorkbookThree Live seminar presentations of ALL Basic and Advanced Strategies PLUS...

Joe Ross – Electronic Trading. TNT III. Technical Trading Stuff

Joe Ross - Electronic Trading. TNT III. Technical Trading Stuff Electronic Trading 'TNT' III - Technical Trading Stuff This fantastic manual builds on the concepts learned in parts I and II of Electronic Trading 'TNT.' You learn...

Greg N.Gregoriou – The Handbook Of Trading

Greg N Gregoriou - The Handbook of TradingMake the post-meltdown markets work for you, using the unparalleled insight of today’s top global investing experts!“This book provides a collection of papers that examine trading execution, technical trading,...

Wyckoffanalytics – Projecting Point-and-Figure Price Targets Across Multiple Time Frames (PnF Part II)

Wyckoffanalytics - Projecting Point-and-Figure Price Targets Across Multiple Time Frames - PnF Part II Among Richard Wyckoff’s many contributions to technical analysis is his unique method of estimating price targets using his Second Law of “Cause...

Tim Walker – HOW TO TRADE LIKE W. D. GANN (An Exploration Of The Mechanical Trading Lesson On U. S. Steel)

HOW TO TRADE LIKE W. D. GANN An Exploration of the Mechanical Trading Lesson on U. S. Steel Timothy Walker 2014. 2 Volumes, Vol. 1 Text 216 p. Vol. 2 Supplement & Charts 136 p. THIS...

Strategic Trading – Market Profile Trading Strategies: Part 1 - Basics

Strategic Trading – Market Profile Trading Strategies: Part 1 - Basics Market profile is a powerful analytical tool unlike any other on the market. Market profile makes it possible for profile traders to gain a clear...

Lawrence G.McMillan – McMillan On Options (2nd Ed.)

Lawrence G.McMillan - McMillan On Options (2nd Ed.)Legendary trader Larry McMillan does it-again-offering his personal options strategies for consistently enhancing trading profitsLarry McMillan's name is virtually synonymous with options. This "Trader's Hall of Fame" recipient first...

Strategic Trading – Market Profile Trading Strategies-Beyond the Basics

Strategic Trading – Market Profile Trading Strategies-Beyond the Basics Applying the Power of the Market Profile Market Profile Beyond the Basics 12-Hour Online Course This 12 hour course takes market profile concepts to the next level....

John A.Tracy – The Fast Forward MBA In Finance (2nd Ed.)

John A.Tracy - The Fast Forward MBA in Finance (2nd Ed.) Description The author is well-renowned and highly successful. Figures and examples are revised and spreadsheet ready templates are provided. Offers quick tips and cutting-edge ideas....

Thetradingframework – 7 Day Intensive Online Trader Training Programme

Thetradingframework - 7 Day Intensive Online Trader Training ProgrammeAfter over 15 years of day trading myself and over 10 years of coaching experience working with traders from all walks of life. I have decided it was...

Kern Alexander – Global Governance Of Financial Systems

Kern Alexander - Global Governance of Financial SystemsThe book sets forth the economic rationale for international financial regulation and what role, if any, international regulation can play in effectively managing systemic risk while providing accountability to...

Jerry Simmons – Ninjatrader Webinar 2007

Jerry Simmons - Ninjatrader Webinar 2007 ( software, Portfolio Managementinvestment software,ensign 10expert advisor builder making,tock trade, forex backtest, forex, trading system responsive joomla template,,technical analysis softwareBeiley Software, professional,TRIALWARE,SHARE,technical analysis software,Wave59,forex brokerage firms,SCANNING,SCREENING,TECHNICAL, Financial Analysis accounting software,...

Tradingmarkets – Introduction To AmiBroker Programming

Tradingmarkets - Introduction to AmiBroker Programming Learn How To Backtest Your Best Trading Ideas In One Day - Guaranteed! How would you like to have the ability to backtest your best trading ideas? And learn how...

Max Heindel – Simplified Scientific Astrology

Max Heindel - Simplified Scientific Astrology In a time when astrological analysis can begin within seconds of an on-screen click, we do not often consider the methods that were previously used to individually calculate a chart...

Jon Rappoport – The Matrix Revealed

Jon Rappoport – The Matrix Revealed Let me start with the nuts and bolts of this product. It is enormous in scope and size. 250 megabytes of information. Over 1100 pages of text (pdf document). Ten...

FuturesTrader71 – Webinar Series (4 Webinars)

FuturesTrader71 - webinar series (4 webinars) This package includes Webinar 1: The Beginning The basics of Market Profile and my proprietary twist that brings this market auction approach to more simply and consistently be in the...

Peter Worden – Winning Stock Selection Simplified (Vol I, II & III)

Peter Worden – Winning Stock Selection Simplified (Vol I, II & III)Winning Stock Selection Simplified – Vol IDuration: 54m 07sIn Winning Stock Selection Simplified, Peter Worden refines two decades of analysis experience into a simple 30 minute...

Liverpool Group – Speculating with Futures and Traditional Commodities

There is three times more capital invested in the commodities and futures markets than in the stock market and trading volume is in the trillions of dollars. Yet the average investor has no idea what drives...

Andrej Kirda – SOT Advanced Course (May 2014)

Andrej Kirda – SOT Advanced Course (May 2014) The Advanced Courseis the most highly-coveted education in the professional trading community. Trading Firms from around the globe use the Advanced Course to train their best traders, and...

Fibozachi – Fibozachi Indicators Package

Fibozachi – Fibozachi Indicators Package We at Fibozachi have developed an arsenal of high precision, color-coded, user-friendly trading Indicators that are suitable for all types of traders and markets. All of our products are fractal, meaning they remain...

Murray Rothbard – History of Money and Banking in The United States

In what is sure to become the standard account, Rothbard traces inflations, banking panics, and money meltdowns from the Colonial Period through the mid-20th century to show how government’s systematic war on sound money is the...

Paul Wilmott – The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives

Finance is one of the fastest growing areas in the modern banking and corporate world. This, together with the sophistication of modern financial products, provides a rapidly growing impetus for new mathematical models and modern mathematical...

Philip Keefer – Terrorism, Economic Development & Political Openness

To what extent are terrorism and development related? What are the relative weights of the economic, political, and social aspects of development? What is the development impact of different responses to terrorism? This volume addresses these...

John Y. Cambell & Luis M. Viceira – Strategic Asset Allocation

This volume provides a scientific foundation for the advice offered by financial planners to long-term investors. Based upon statistics on asset return behavior and assumed investor objectives, the authors derive optimal portfolio rules that investors can...

Weisonwyckoff – Weis Wave Plugin 2.02 (Feb 2012)

Weisonwyckoff – Weis Wave Plugin 2.02 (Feb 2012) The Weis Wave Plugin is the end product of 30 years of work to find the most accurate portrayal of volume. The insights gained from this plugin are...

Bill Wolfe – Wolfe Waves (Includes Metatrader Indicators Pack & Misc Docs.)

Bill Wolfe – Wolfe Waves (Includes Metatrader Indicators Pack & Misc Docs.) The Wolfe Wave (Not to be confused with The Elliot Wave), discovered by Bill Wolfe, is a naturally occurring, harmonic trading pattern and is...

Vadym Graifer & Christopher Schumacher – Techniques of Tape Reading

Vadym Graifer & Christopher Schumacher – Techniques of Tape Reading How to use trading’s most time-honored technique to reap profits in today’s fast moving, point-and-click markets Tape reading is among the oldest and most successful methods...

Stan Weinstein – Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets

Stan Weinstein – Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets “Stan Weinstein’s Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets” reveals his successful methods for timing investments to produce consistently profitable results. Topics include: Stan...

ART Trading – Fine Tuning Your Money Management Skills & Controlling Your Trade Risk

ART Trading – Fine Tuning Your Money Management Skills & Controlling Your Trade Risk Over 13 Hours Of Recording Webcast!!! During the Advanced Class Recorded Webcasts you will learn specific advanced trading skills to enhance your...

Thomas Busby – S&P 500, The Ultimate Day Trading Vehicle

Thomas Busby – S&P 500, The Ultimate Day Trading Vehicle Expert: Tom Busby Type: PDF Workbook MP3 Audio Running Time: 90 minutes Workbook Length: 13 pages S&P futures have all the elements that create day trading...

Mark Whistler – Trading Pairs-Capturing Profits and Hedging Risk with Statistical Arbitrage Strategies

Mark Whistler – Trading Pairs-Capturing Profits and Hedging Risk with Statistical Arbitrage Strategies An accessible guide to the pairs trading technique A leading arbitrage expert gives traders real tools for using pairs trading, including customizable Excel...