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Showing 1-10 of 10 items.

Perry Belcher – VSL Story Selling System

Perry Belcher – VSL Story Selling SystemFellow Marketers, Can you tell a 6-second story? That’s all it takes to at least DOUBLE the results of any VSL you’ll ever write. (emails too for that matter)That’s ALL it takes...

Awaionline – VSL Clayton Makepeace

Awaionline - VSL Clayton Makepeace As Soon As Humanly Possible … … sign me up. Clayton, I’m on board with you. I’d like to hitch my wagon to yours ASAP and get moving on this mushrooming...

Doug D’Anna – $100 Million Copywriting Formula Swipe File Volume 1

Doug D’Anna – $100 Million Copywriting Formula Swipe File Volume 1Over the past 30 years, my direct mail and email promotions have generated over $100 million in subscription revenues. Volume one features 10 of my favorite promotions....

Ben Settle – CopySlacker

Ben Settle – CopySlackerHave Accused My Copywriting Method Of Being “Too Simple!”Is that true?I don't know, maybe.What I do know is, my sales letters using this method have collectively (between my clients' businesses and my own...

Kim Krause Schwalm – Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive

Kim Krause Schwalm – Virtual LA Boot Camp IntensiveNow Available! Your In-Home Version of My No-Holds-Barred LA Boot Camp IntensiveEarlier this year I revealed exactly what this secret was in my first-ever LA Boot Camp Intensive. Not...

Daniel Fazio – Video Sales Letter Mastery (Cold Email Wizard)

Daniel Fazio – Video Sales Letter Mastery (Cold Email Wizard) There were two halves in my agency life. Before I knew about VSL’s, and after I knew about VSL’s. The degree to which a Video Sales...

Caleb O'Dowd – 7 Figure MiniGroups

Caleb O'Dowd - 7 Figure MiniGroups The exact sales funnel we use to generate up to 12x return on ad spend without webinars, VSLs, book, or tripwire sales funnels. “I’m pulling 12x return on ad spend...

Andre Chaperon and Michael Hauge – The Hollywood Story Method for Marketers

Andre Chaperon and Michael Hauge – The Hollywood Story Method for Marketers You’ll learn how to tell your marketing story in the most IMPACTFUL way that elicits the most EMOTION. This is not just for “email...

Adksills – Conversion Tracking Masters

Adksills - Conversion Tracking Masters FOR ANYONE WANTING TO MASTER PIXELS, ANALYTICS, SPLIT TESTING, & DASHBOARDS Yes! I'm ready to STOP optimizing my campaigns for costs and start optimizing my campaigns for higher earnings instead. I'm...

DigitalMarketer & Ryan Deiss – Script A High Converting Video Sales Letter

Ryan Deiss – Script A High Converting Video Sales Letter Here’s What We’ll Create Together In this workshop, you’ll work directly with DigitalMarketer Co-Founder and CEO Ryan Deiss to craft a high-converting Video Sales Letter that...